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Krishna is known as the embodiment of love according to Shastras, Krishna is known as one of the most magnanimous and charming Gods, who had the innate quality of attracting anyone who came in contact with him. Yet, keeping a Krishna idol at home is different from keeping idols of other Gods.It is no secret that Krishna was adept at playing a flute hearing him play, all the gopis would come close to him and dance. It is said that a flute can bring people together, so keep one in your home temple.According to Hindu mythology, a cow is an embodiment of all the 33 crore Gods of Hinduism. And since Krisha loved milk, butter and all other dairy products that a cow produces, one should also keep a cow and calf statue in his home temple.A peacock feather is known for its physical beauty and symbolises the magnetic personality of a person  Krishna used to wear a peacock feather and it is said that keeping a peacock feather in your home temple gives you happiness.A lotus depicts struggle in life, since it grows in muddy waters, yet remains pure and fragrant as ever. A lotus is said to bring in stability to a person, hence keep one in your home temple replace it with a fresh one everyday.

Brass Shri Krishna Idol with Flute

  • Weight : 0.990 kg

    Height : 7 (inch)


  • All the brass has been lacquered.Lacquer is a thin, shiny layer that helps to prevent tarnish.Use dry or wet cotton cloth to remove dirt.Do not clean with harsh chemicals.If you have any doubts consider taking the brass piece in for a professional polish to gain back the original look.

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